
The inpatient adult unit serves both males and females aged 18 and older presenting with symptoms that indicate potential risk to self, potential risk to others or significantly impaired reality testing where physical safety is in jeopardy.

The clinical philosophy of the adult unit was developed based on the premise that adults experiencing acute psychiatric crises must be empowered to take control of their own recovery in an environment that provides holistic patient centered treatment. The adult unit clinical programming is guided by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Literature has shown ACT as an effective intervention for a range of psychological problems. ACT presumes that negative thoughts and emotions are part of the human experience. Patients are taught to recognize negative thoughts and feelings for what they are, internal experiences that they can choose to respond to in a variety of ways. Those choices, in the end determine the recovery path for the patient. This approach normalizes the experience of mental illness and allows the patient to be an active participant in treatment and discharge planning.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) group occurs daily and are led by therapist or therapy interns. Different tenants of ACT, including present awareness, emotional attunement, and non-judgmental acceptance are covered throughout the week.

  1. Understanding Away Moves: This focuses on the things that we do that are self-defeating, such as substance use or avoidance. Often, behaviors that we engage in that we think are managing our problems or “illnesses” ultimately cause more problems than they solve. The focus of this group is to shed light on these types of self-defeating behaviors and suggest that there may be other more adaptive and healthy ways of responding.
  2. Knowing our Values: Awareness of what is important to us is something we take for granted, however in the hectic world in which we live, we often lose sight of what we truly find important, what we want to stand for and who we want to be. Without this information guiding our decisions, we tend to stray from what is important and get caught up in the negative aspects of life. Knowing what is important allows us to make decisions that lead to a life that is rich, full and meaningful.
  3. Defusion from Difficult Thoughts: When we have thoughts that are troubling to us, our fight or flight mechanism is triggered. This mechanism is very effective at protecting us from physical threats in the environment. When attacked by a bear, we must either fight the bear or run from it. However, the fight or flight mechanism has evolved to be triggered by internal threats as well, unpleasant thoughts and negative emotions. These responses are less effective. The more we fight or become fused with a thought, the stronger that thought becomes. Similarly, the more we try and run from a thought and hide from it., the more often it will find us. Learning about defusion, detaching from thoughts and allowing them to just “be” and understanding what little power they actually have is the first step in preventing them from impacting your choices negatively.
  4. Acceptance – Opening Up: Acceptance as opposed to experiential avoidance– It is human nature to try to avoid or get rid of unwanted thoughts or feelings. However, when we do this, it often does not benefit us. This area of ACT is a mindfulness skill that teaches you to focus more fully on the present moment. This skill requires us to make room in our lives for all types of experiences, both positive and negative. Most of us were raised to believe the goal in life is happiness. However, sometimes, a rich full and meaningful life will lead to sadness, loss or fear. These are just as much a part of the human experience as happiness. To avoid these experiences is to avoid being human. This does not mean that you have to like sadness or look forward to anxiety. On the contrary, it means allowing them to be and recognizing them for what they are in spite of them being difficult feelings to endure.
  5. Committed Action – Doing What Matters: This is where the proverbial rubber hits the road. This is where we learn to use our values to set meaningful and achievable goals in spite of all the negative thoughts and feelings that we experience. Again, the goal is not a life only full of happiness and joy, but instead a life full or meaning and richness is the desired outcome.
    Additionally, some adults are also struggling with substance abuse along with mental illness. Due to this part of the ACT curriculum incorporates tenants of MISA and Harm Reduction substance abuse treatment modalities. These principles are extended to apply to any unhealthy coping strategies one may be engaging in.

The Mission of the adult unit is to provide patient centered care from an interdisciplinary treatment team approach. The milieu-based programming on the Adult unit is titled the Resilience toolkit. It teaches our patients and team members to accurately identify nervous system dysregulation and skills to help regain physical and emotional balance in order to navigate everyday stressors and manage symptoms safely.

Treatment is multifaceted, uses biopsychosocial case conceptualization and ensures all important life domains are addressed, based on the patient’s unique developmental and cultural needs. Staff are specially equipped with multicultural training to ensure treatment is inclusive regardless of ethnicity, creed, nationality, religion, economic status, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Service Delivery

In addition to daily ACT and resilience toolkit groups, patients receive daily expressive therapy in the form of art, music or recreational therapy. Our patients also receive individual therapy and family or support person therapy focused on safety planning, conflict resolution and understanding how to support your loved one struggling with a mental health crisis.

Treatment planning on the adult unit is driven by the therapist but guided by a multidisciplinary treatment team including psychiatry, nursing, behavioral health technicians and when necessary inpatient educators, psychological staff and expressive therapists. The treatment team meets regularly to identify progress that has been made, update the treatment plan accordingly, and oversee the discharge plan.


Contact Numbers: 630-837-9000
Unit extensions: 5375
1:45pm – 2:30pm Daily
7:00pm – 8:00pm Daily

Please be patient during these phone times as we are trying to honor everyone’s opportunity to speak to their family.


As you can see by our treatment chart, The patient is the center of what we do every day. Led by the psychiatrist and therapist, the team will respond to a patient’s needs throughout their stay with us. Beginning with the first treatment team meeting and throughout follow-up meetings, we will constantly review a patient’s progress, getting critical input from the patient on their recovery.


Discharge planning is a multi-step task and begins the moment a patient is admitted to our facility. Our goal is to ensure that the patient transition smoothly to outpatient care is met by the time of discharge and that the appropriate follow up appointments are scheduled. We will also work to connect the patient with other vital resources should they need help with other life areas (housing, vocational, substance abuse treatment etc.). If a patient does not have a therapist and/or doctor who can work with them once they leave here, we will assist in finding an adequate aftercare plan. If a patient is prescribed medication by the hospital psychiatrist, they will leave with a prescription for a 15 day supply and one 15 day refill. It is the responsibility of the outpatient physician or primary mental healthcare provider to manage medication and prescriptions following discharge.

At the time of discharge, the unit nurse will review with the patient their medication (if prescribed) and the set clinical aftercare plan. The clinical aftercare plan is developed with the patient and the treatment team during your stay and includes a safety plan, a description of triggers, warning signs, coping skills and resources to take with home with them to help maintain their health and safety outside the hospital. Adult patients are highly encouraged to consent to the involvement of family or support people in their care, treatment, and safety planning. The discharge date will be discussed during the meetings with the doctor and your therapist. The therapist works with the patient to ensure they have arrangements for transportation home on the day of discharge.


We encourage feedback from patients regarding the experience they had with us. Please feel free to complete a Service Excellence Counts card and place it in the suggestion box the day of discharge of hand it to any staff. We welcome all feedback in order to continuously improve out services.

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